Monday, April 23, 2012

Moving, and Kitchen Ideas

Sorry for my lack of posting in the last few weeks!! We are moving next week, and it's been a little crazy & busy! I haven't done too much cooking since we've been packing, so nothing much to post on either!

Normally this time of year, I have long started indoor planting my seeds/seedlings for my spring garden of herbs & veggies. However, since we're moving, I didn't start they don't get shocked and die, or get knocked about too much. So, I wanted to come up with some way to grow something, anything easily and where I wouldn't feel guilty about it dying in the move.

So, I was thinking (actually a month ago, on my anniversary) that if you get flowers and you put them in water, what else can you put in water to last longer? So, the day after my anniversary I was cooking and used some green onions, and you know how you pretty much never end up using them all..., and I put them in a glass of water on the window sill. They're still growing now!  A month later! With the exception of a weekly "haircut" to keep them from growing too much (which is why they look all scraggly in my picture, because they just got their hair cut), they have grown beautifully and non stop! There are actually some new little onion bulbs growing on the roots right now. I just clean out the glass every couple days too keep it from getting to green, and give it a hair cut. All from one $0.89 bunch of organic green onions!
Then, I was thinking about a week ago, that if you can grow green onions in a glass like that, what else can you grow?? So, I cut up some celery and stuck the bottom of that in a container on the window sill. Look!! This much growth in a little less than a week!! It's just started shooting out little roots too! Super cool!
Yesterday, I cut up some pineapple and stuck that in the window sill too. Not sure what will happen with it, but we'll see!! I'm interested to see what else I can throw in my window sill in water and grow successfully! 

Any suggestions? =]

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